Nickel has many excellent properties including ductility, corrosion resistance, magnetism, stability and high temperature stability which plays an important role in the development of key industries. Accordingly, at the first stage of the research, the direction of research, the possibilities of extracting metals from solutions by ion flotation and extraction were determined, and mother liquors of the vitriol workshop were selected. The chemical composition of the mother liquor of the vitriol plant was determined as a result of the research, the use of naphthenic acid in ion flotation and the dependence of the duration of flotation on the extraction of metal, as well as the methodology of its extraction, were drawn up.

  • Количество прочтений 11
  • Дата публикации 27-06-2024
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы70-75

Nickel has many excellent properties including ductility, corrosion resistance, magnetism, stability and high temperature stability which plays an important role in the development of key industries. Accordingly, at the first stage of the research, the direction of research, the possibilities of extracting metals from solutions by ion flotation and extraction were determined, and mother liquors of the vitriol workshop were selected. The chemical composition of the mother liquor of the vitriol plant was determined as a result of the research, the use of naphthenic acid in ion flotation and the dependence of the duration of flotation on the extraction of metal, as well as the methodology of its extraction, were drawn up.


Nikel ko‘plab ajoyib xususiyatlarga ega, shu jumladan egiluvchanlik, korroziyaga chidamlilik, magnitlanish, barqarorlik va yuqori harorat barqarorligi, bu asosiy sanoatning rivojlanishida muhim rol o‘ynaydi. Shunga ko‘ra, tadqiqotning birinchi bosqichida tadqiqot yo‘nalishi, ionli flotatsiya va ekstraktsiya yo‘li bilan eritmalardan metallarni ajratib olish imkoniyatlari aniqlanib, vitriol sexining o‘simlik yog‘i eritmalari tanlab olindi. Tadqiqotlar natijasida vitriol o‘simligi yog‘ining kimyoviy tarkibi aniqlandi, ion flotatsiyasida naften kislotasidan foydalanish va flotatsiya davomiyligining metall ekstraktsiyasiga bog‘liqligi, shuningdek uni olish metodologiyasi ishlab chiqildi.


Никель обладает многими прекрасными свойствами, включая пластичность, коррозионную стойкость, магнетизм, стабильность и устойчивость к высоким температурам, что играет важную роль в развитии ключевых отраслей промышленности. Соответственно, на первом этапе исследования были определены направление исследований, возможности извлечения металлов из растворов методом ионной флотации и экстракции, а также выбраны маточные растворы цеха витриола. В результате исследований был определен химический состав маточного раствора витриольного цеха, разработано использование нафтеновой кислоты в ионной флотации и зависимость продолжительности флотации от извлечения металла, а также методика его извлечения.

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Shodiev A.N. DSc, Associate Professor Karshi engineering-economics institute
2 Gayratova M.Z. Student Karshi engineering-economics institute
Название ссылки
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