"Theory of Translation" is designed to provide students with the necessary theoretical knowledge to understand the complex phenomenon of translation. The lectures cover topics such as the history of translation, the evolution of translation studies, and key concepts in linguistics relevant to translation theory. These include bilingualism, the translation process, translation models, and specialized translations of scientific literature.

  • Количество прочтений 36
  • Дата публикации 15-03-2024
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы649-655

 "Theory of Translation" is designed to provide students with the necessary theoretical knowledge to understand the complex phenomenon of translation. The lectures cover topics such as the history of translation, the evolution of translation studies, and key concepts in linguistics relevant to translation theory. These include bilingualism, the translation process, translation models, and specialized translations of scientific literature.


«Теория перевода» призвана предоставить студентам необходимые теоретические знания для понимания сложного явления перевода. Лекции охватывают такие темы, как история перевода, эволюция переводоведения и ключевые концепции лингвистики, имеющие отношение к теории перевода. К ним относятся двуязычие, процесс перевода, модели перевода и специализированные переводы научной литературы.

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Aripova K.Y. Senior teacher International Islamic academy of Uzbekistan,
Название ссылки
1 1. Aripova K.Yu.“Typology of texts relevant for translation” International scientific journal of Biruni. ISSN (E) 2181-2993, Vol.2, Issue 3. Nov (2023), p. 127-131.
2 2. Aripova K.Yu. “Difficulties in conveying national flavor when translating the original text” Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences 3(10), October, 2023. p. 442-449
3 3. Aripova K.Yu. “The process of forming an intercultural context” лучшие интеллектуальные исследования международный научный электронный журнал Декабрь - 2023 год, p. 20-22.
4 4. Aripova K.Yu. “The notions of cognitive linguistics” Journal of new century innovations international interdisciplinary research journal, December 28. p.160-163.
5 5. “Linguistic units representing national color” Journal of advanced scientific research. November, 2023 p.11-14
6 6. Alekseeva I.S. Introduction to translation studies: Textbook for students of philology. and linguistic faculty of higher education. – St. Petersburg: Faculty of Philology of St. Petersburg State University; Publishing center "Academy", 2013. – 352 p.
7 7. Alimov V.V. Translation theory. Translation in the field of professional communication. M.: URSS, 2004.
8 8. Barkhudarov L.S. Language and translation. M., 1975.
9 9. Barkhudarov L.S., Retsker Ya.I. Course of lectures on translation theory. M., 1968.
10 10. Vinogradov V.S. Introduction to Translation Studies. M., 2001.
11 11. Garbovsky N.K. Translation theory. M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 2004.
12 12. Dmitrieva L.F., Kuntsevich S.E., Martinkevich E.A. English language. Translation course. M.: ICC “Mart”; Rostov n/d: Publishing center “MarT”, 2005. – 304 p.
13 13. Zimnyaya I.Ya., Ermolovich R.I. Psychology of translation. M., 1981.
14 14. Kazakova T.A. Practical fundamentals of translation. St. Petersburg, 2001.
15 15. Komissarov V.N. Modern translation studies. M., 2002.
16 16. Latyshev L.K. Translation course. M., 1986.
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