In this study, the processes of monoethanolamine (MEA) with acetaldehyde (SA) acedolization were investigated. As a result of the study, it was found that the increase in the molar ratio of acetic aldehyde to monoethanolamine decreased the nitrogen mass fraction (%) and hydroxyl number (mgKON/g) in the final product, and increased the molecular mass (MM). Our obtained samples were studied using IR spectra.

  • Количество прочтений 109
  • Дата публикации 31-05-2024
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы4-9
Ключевые слова

In this study, the processes of monoethanolamine (MEA) with acetaldehyde (SA) acedolization were investigated. As a result of the study, it was found that the increase in the molar ratio of acetic aldehyde to monoethanolamine decreased the nitrogen mass fraction (%) and hydroxyl number (mgKON/g) in the final product, and increased the molecular mass (MM). Our obtained samples were studied using IR spectra.

Ключевые слова
Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Janayev M.. Teacher Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology
2 Adilov R.. Teacher Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology
3 Alimukhamedov M.. Teacher Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology
Название ссылки
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