Under the resolution of the UN General Assembly, since 1993, may 15 has been celebrated as international family day. One of the main reasons for the separation of a special day into the family unit is, by the UN definition, “one family is the unity of all human families”, it is a small branch of society, a homeland within the homeland.
Under the resolution of the UN General Assembly, since 1993, may 15 has been celebrated as international family day. One of the main reasons for the separation of a special day into the family unit is, by the UN definition, “one family is the unity of all human families”, it is a small branch of society, a homeland within the homeland.
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | Khudoyorov L.X. | teacher of geography | Shakhrisabzstate pedagogical institute |
№ | Название ссылки |
1 | Добров Г.М. Прогнозиравания науке и техники.-М.: 1969. 173 c.2.Демографический ежегодник Узбекистана. 1991-2002 годи. Статистический сборник.-Т.: Государственний комитет Республики Узбекистан по статистике, 2003. -С.98-99, 172-176.3.Дарский Л.Е. Формирование семьи. М.: 1972. 63 с. 4.Иномов И. Ўзбекистоннинг янги шаҳарлари.-Т.: <<Меҳнат>>,1993, 84-бет.5.Камилова Ф. Демографический потенциал Узбекистана. -Т.: Узбекистан, 1991. |