In this article, there are thoughts and opinions about innovative approaches to improving the methodology of developing management competencies in future pedagogues in the credit module system. In the dynamic landscape of education, the role of teachers has evolved significantly. Today, teachers not only impart knowledge, but also serve as coaches, facilitators, and managers in and out of the classroom. As demands on teachers increase, it is critical to equip them with the necessary management competencies to navigate effectivelyin a complex educational environment. Management competencies for teachers include a wide range of skills including leadership, communication, problem solving, decision making and organizational skills.

  • Количество прочтений 82
  • Дата публикации 30-04-2024
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы33-36

In this article, there are thoughts and opinions about innovative approaches to improving the methodology of developing management competencies in future pedagogues in the credit module system. In the dynamic landscape of education, the role of teachers has evolved significantly. Today, teachers not only impart knowledge, but also serve as coaches, facilitators, and managers in and out of the classroom. As demands on teachers increase, it is critical to equip them with the necessary management competencies to navigate effectivelyin a complex educational environment. Management competencies for teachers include a wide range of skills including leadership, communication, problem solving, decision making and organizational skills.

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Dusnazarov U.. Teacher Gulistan State Pedagogical institute
Название ссылки
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