Coronavirus disease 2019 ( COVID-19) has been declared a pandemic due to its global spread. The goal is to determine the characteristics of clinical and laboratory disorders and evaluate the effectiveness of a complex method of treating children with acute pyelonephritis that developedagainst the background of Covid -19. Material and methods research. 65 patients were observed, including 30 children with AP without a history of Covid -19 and 35 patients with AP due to Covid -19, aged from 4 to 18 years. Results and discussion.of the study. Since patients with AP had varying degrees of process activity, 12 (40%) children without a history of Covid -19 and 35 (100%) patients with a history of Covid -19 had a III degree of activity of the inflammatory process. and in patients with AP who did not have a history of Covid -19, stage II activity was noted. Conclusions. In patients who had Covid -19, there was a high percentage of tubulointerstitial kidney damage (acute pyelonephritis (49%)) of viral etiology (77%). The cost-effectiveness of the combination therapy method was 31%
Coronavirus disease 2019 ( COVID-19) has been declared a pandemic due to its global spread. The goal is to determine the characteristics of clinical and laboratory disorders and evaluate the effectiveness of a complex method of treating children with acute pyelonephritis that developedagainst the background of Covid -19. Material and methods research. 65 patients were observed, including 30 children with AP without a history of Covid -19 and 35 patients with AP due to Covid -19, aged from 4 to 18 years. Results and discussion.of the study. Since patients with AP had varying degrees of process activity, 12 (40%) children without a history of Covid -19 and 35 (100%) patients with a history of Covid -19 had a III degree of activity of the inflammatory process. and in patients with AP who did not have a history of Covid -19, stage II activity was noted. Conclusions. In patients who had Covid -19, there was a high percentage of tubulointerstitial kidney damage (acute pyelonephritis (49%)) of viral etiology (77%). The cost-effectiveness of the combination therapy method was 31%
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | Ismailova Z.A. | ! | Tashkent medical academy Urgench branch |
№ | Название ссылки |
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