Inflammation is the most common painful phenomenon. Many diseases accompanied by inflammation end in -itis (myocarditis, glomerulonephritis, hepatitis). Some diseases, part of which is inflammation, have their own names, for example, -inflammatio, gr. -flogosis -to burn Inflammation is a typical pathological process characterized by the development of alterative-dystrophic, vascular-exudative and proliferative reactions to pathogenic influences. Clinical signs of inflammation: redness (rubor), swelling (tumor), heat (calor), pain (dolor), dysfunction (functio laese). These signs are characteristic of an acute inflammatory process that develops on the outer surfaces of the body (skin, mucous membranes). With inflammation of the internal organs, a number of signs, such as heat and redness, may be absent.
Inflammation is the most common painful phenomenon. Many diseases accompanied by inflammation end in -itis (myocarditis, glomerulonephritis, hepatitis). Some diseases, part of which is inflammation, have their own names, for example, -inflammatio, gr. -flogosis -to burn Inflammation is a typical pathological process characterized by the development of alterative-dystrophic, vascular-exudative and proliferative reactions to pathogenic influences. Clinical signs of inflammation: redness (rubor), swelling (tumor), heat (calor), pain (dolor), dysfunction (functio laese). These signs are characteristic of an acute inflammatory process that develops on the outer surfaces of the body (skin, mucous membranes). With inflammation of the internal organs, a number of signs, such as heat and redness, may be absent.
Воспаление —наиболее распространенное болезненное явление. Многие заболевания, сопровождающиеся воспалением, заканчиваются -итами (миокардит, гломерулонефрит, гепатит). Некоторые заболевания, частью которых является воспаление, имеют свои названия, например, пневмония.лат. -воспаление, гр. -флогоз -ожог Воспаление -типичный патологический процесс, характеризующийся развитием альтеративно-дистрофических, сосудисто-экссудативных и пролиферативных реакций на патогенные воздействия. Клинические признаки воспаления: покраснение (rubor), отек (опухоль), жар (calor), боль (dolor), нарушение функции (function laese). Эти признаки характерны для острого воспалительного процесса, развивающегося на наружных поверхностях тела (кожа, слизистые оболочки). При воспалении внутренних органов ряд признаков, таких как жар и покраснение, может отсутствовать
Yallig'lanish -eng keng tarqalgan og'riqli hodisa. Yallig'lanish bilan kechadigan ko'plab kasalliklar -itis (miokardit, glomerulonefrit, gepatit) bilan tugaydi. Ba'zi kasalliklar, ularning bir qismi yallig'lanish, o'z nomlariga ega, masalan, -yallig'lanish, gr. -flogoz -kuyish uchun Yallig'lanish -patogen ta'sirga alterativ-distrofik, qon tomir-ekssudativ va proliferativ reaktsiyalarning rivojlanishi bilan tavsiflangan tipik patologik jarayon. Yallig'lanishning klinik belgilari: qizarish(rubor), shishish (o'simta), issiqlik (kalor), og'riq (dolor), disfunktsiya (functio laese). Bu belgilar tananing tashqi yuzalarida (teri, shilliq pardalar) rivojlanadigan o'tkir yallig'lanish jarayoniga xosdir. Ichki organlarning yallig'lanishi bilan issiqlik va qizarish kabi bir qator belgilar bo'lmasligi mumkin
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | Marufov .. | Assistant | Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Uzbekistan |
№ | Название ссылки |
1 | 1.Vorontsov I.M. Diseases of the fetus and newborn / I.M. Vorontsov. M.: Medicine, 2000.2.Childhood diseases in 2 volumes: volume 1: textbook / Ed. I.Yu. Melnikova, -2009.3.Childhood diseases: textbook / Ed. A.A. Baranova -2nd ed., -2009.4.Childhood diseases: textbook / Ed. A.A. Baranova -2nd ed., -M.: GEOTAR-Media, 20095.Childhood diseases: textbook / Ed. A.A. Baranova -2nd ed., -M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2009.6.Zaichik A.Sh. Pathological physiology. Volume 2. Pathochemistry (endocrine-metabolic disorders):Textbook for medical students. / A.Sh. Zaichik, L.P. Churilov. -St. Petersburg: ELBI-SPb, 2007.7.Zaichik A.Sh. Pathophysiology. Volume 1. General pathophysiology with the basics of immunopathology / A.Sh. Bunny,L.P. Churilov, St. Petersburg: ELBI-SPb, 20088.Klimanov V.V. Clinical pathophysiology of childhood / V.V. Klimanov, F.G. Sadykov. St. Petersburg:Sotis-lan, 1997.9.Clinical allergology of childhood with emergency conditions / Ed. I.I. |