The article discusses the general characteristics of the official business style of the Russian language. In everyday business style, official correspondence between institutions and organizations, on the one hand, and private business papers, on the other, differ in content, genres and the nature of the language used. The language of legislative documents includes vocabulary and phraseology of state, civil, criminal law, labor codes, laws on marriage and family, etc.There are quite a few definitions of the concept of style. If we compare these definitions, we can highlight the most general provisions: style is: 1) a type of literary language, 2) which functions (acts) in a certain sphere of social activity, 3) for whichit uses the text structure and linguistic features specific to a given style means of expressing its content. In other words, styles are the main largest speech varieties. Style is realized in texts. You can determine the style and its features by analyzing a certain number of texts and finding common features in them

  • Количество прочтений 9
  • Дата публикации 01-07-2024
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы18-23

The article discusses the general characteristics of the official business style of the Russian language. In everyday business style, official correspondence between institutions and organizations, on the one hand, and private business papers, on the other, differ in content, genres and the nature of the language used. The language of legislative documents includes vocabulary and phraseology of state, civil, criminal law, labor codes, laws on marriage and family, etc.There are quite a few definitions of the concept of style. If we compare these definitions, we can highlight the most general provisions: style is: 1) a type of literary language, 2) which functions (acts) in a certain sphere of social activity, 3) for whichit uses the text structure and linguistic features specific to a given style means of expressing its content. In other words, styles are the main largest speech varieties. Style is realized in texts. You can determine the style and its features by analyzing a certain number of texts and finding common features in them

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Mukhitdinova F.R. Associate professor Andijan faculty of Tashkent Institute of Finance
Название ссылки
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