Chronic tonsillitis (CT) is considered one of the most common diseases among pregnant women. A chronic pathological process localized in the palatine tonsils becomes a focus of constant pathological impulses. Assessment of the state of the function of the fetoplacental complex in this cohort of patients is relevant at the present time. Development of prognostic criteria for the development of perinatal pathology, which allow timely therapeutic and preventive interventions are an important factor in improving patient birth outcomes

  • Количество прочтений 9
  • Дата публикации 01-04-2024
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы116-119

Chronic tonsillitis (CT) is considered one of the most common diseases among pregnant women. A chronic pathological process localized in the palatine tonsils becomes a focus of constant pathological impulses. Assessment of the state of the function of the fetoplacental complex in this cohort of patients is relevant at the present time. Development of prognostic criteria for the development of perinatal pathology, which allow timely therapeutic and preventive interventions are an important factor in improving patient birth outcomes

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Pulatov U.S. PhD Samarkand State Medical University,
2 Nematullayev .E. Assistant Samarkand State Medical University,
Название ссылки
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