Task-based languages learningclasses contain students of mixed abilities. It shows a gap-fill requiring students to differentiate between the uses of certain prepositions or verb forms a 'task', or is an activity which asks students to discuss the possible solution to a riddle a 'task'? You may well have your own views on this, certainly the colleagues who co-habit the staffroom in language learning. To conclude, all classes are mixed ability to one extent or another. Extreme cases, when you have near native level speakers with beginners, can be very challenging for the teacher. In these cases, it’s important to remember that all students will get something out of the class, but not necessarily the same things, and not necessarily what you aim to teach them.These techniques have offered valuable contributions to the investigation of the reading process Many students might consider a 'task' such as discussing the possible solution to a riddle a diverting (interesting, amusing, etc) pastime, but may see no language learning aim involved

  • Количество прочтений 11
  • Дата публикации 01-08-2024
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы105-107

Task-based languages learningclasses contain students of mixed abilities. It shows a gap-fill requiring students to differentiate between the uses of certain prepositions or verb forms a 'task', or is an activity which asks students to discuss the possible solution to a riddle a 'task'? You may well have your own views on this, certainly the colleagues who co-habit the staffroom in language learning. To conclude, all classes are mixed ability to one extent or another. Extreme cases, when you have near native level speakers with beginners, can be very challenging for the teacher. In these cases, it’s important to remember that all students will get something out of the class, but not necessarily the same things, and not necessarily what you aim to teach them.These techniques have offered valuable contributions to the investigation of the reading process Many students might consider a 'task' such as discussing the possible solution to a riddle a diverting (interesting, amusing, etc) pastime, but may see no language learning aim involved

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Kodirov B.E. teacher University of Tashkentfor Applied Sciences
Название ссылки
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