Riddles and proverbs are important components of a culture's oral tradition that encapsulate wisdom, values, and beliefs. This article explores how riddles and proverbs in English and Uzbek languages reflect and reinforce their respective cultural values and traditions. A comparative analysis was conducted on a sample of 50 English and 50 Uzbek riddles and proverbs. Themes related to cultural values were identified and the frequency of each theme was tabulated. The results show that while there are some common themes between the two languages, such as the importance of wisdom, hard work, and honesty, there are also notable differences that reflect the unique cultural contexts. English riddles and proverbs tended to emphasize individualism and self-reliance, while Uzbek ones focused more on communal ties and respect for elders. The insights from this study can enhance cross-cultural understanding and appreciation of the rich cultural heritage embedded in these linguistic forms

  • Количество прочтений 12
  • Дата публикации 01-08-2024
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы142-145

Riddles and proverbs are important components of a culture's oral tradition that encapsulate wisdom, values, and beliefs. This article explores how riddles and proverbs in English and Uzbek languages reflect and reinforce their respective cultural values and traditions. A comparative analysis was conducted on a sample of 50 English and 50 Uzbek riddles and proverbs. Themes related to cultural values were identified and the frequency of each theme was tabulated. The results show that while there are some common themes between the two languages, such as the importance of wisdom, hard work, and honesty, there are also notable differences that reflect the unique cultural contexts. English riddles and proverbs tended to emphasize individualism and self-reliance, while Uzbek ones focused more on communal ties and respect for elders. The insights from this study can enhance cross-cultural understanding and appreciation of the rich cultural heritage embedded in these linguistic forms

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Mirzayeva D.. PhD Fergana State University
2 Aliyeva N.. PhD Fergana State University
3 Makhmudova N.. teacher Fergana State University
Название ссылки
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