This article discusses the main frameworks for C# graphical programming, such as WPF and GDI+ for working with 2D graphics and user interfaces. Examples of using each tool are given and their capabilities and advantages are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to methods for optimizing C# graphical applications to improve performance and efficient use of resources. A comparative analysis of C# with other programming languages, including C++, Java and Python, is conducted from the point of view of graphical programming. Key aspects such as performance, ease of development and application in various fields are discussed. In conclusion, it is concluded that C# is a universal and powerful tool for developing graphical applications, capable of satisfying the requirements of both novice and experienced developers.

  • Количество прочтений 68
  • Дата публикации 01-11-2024
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы7-14

This article discusses the main frameworks for C# graphical programming, such as WPF and GDI+ for working with 2D graphics and user interfaces. Examples of using each tool are given and their capabilities and advantages are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to methods for optimizing C# graphical applications to improve performance and efficient use of resources. A comparative analysis of C# with other programming languages, including C++, Java and Python, is conducted from the point of view of graphical programming. Key aspects such as performance, ease of development and application in various fields are discussed. In conclusion, it is concluded that C# is a universal and powerful tool for developing graphical applications, capable of satisfying the requirements of both novice and experienced developers.

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Shoyqulov S.Q. Associate Professor Karshi State University
Название ссылки
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