The Republic of Uzbekistan is located in the central part of the Eurasian continent between 37 and 45°N, 56 and 73°E. Its total area is 447.7 thousand km2, of which 78.8% are plains and 21.2% are mountains and foothills. The territory belongs to the arid zone of Central Asia. Almost four-fifths of the country's territory are located within vast semi-deserts and deserts, bordered from the southeast and east by powerful mountain systems.

  • Количество прочтений 4
  • Дата публикации 01-11-2024
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы118-122

The Republic of Uzbekistan is located in the central part of the Eurasian continent between 37 and 45°N, 56 and 73°E. Its total area is 447.7 thousand km2, of which 78.8% are plains and 21.2% are mountains and foothills. The territory belongs to the arid zone of Central Asia. Almost four-fifths of the country's territory are located within vast semi-deserts and deserts, bordered from the southeast and east by powerful mountain systems.

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Rizaeva N.M. ! Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute
2 Baratova M.B. ! Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute
3 Aripova N.H. ! Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute
Название ссылки
1 А.Г. Башура, Н.П. Половко, Е.В. Гладух, Л.С. Петровская, И.И. Баранова, Т.Н. Ковалева, А.С. Зуева // Технология косметических и парфюмерных средств Харьков Издательство НФАУ «Золотые страницы» 2002. Государственная Фармакопея Республики Узбекистан.-II-том, 1 часть.-Ташкент, 2022.-С.25-33.3.Лаас Д. Уход за кожей лица. М.: Аквариум.-1994. -С.282; Матюшина Т.П., Тимофеева Ш.Ю., Краснюк И.И. Лечебно-косметические лосьоны как лекарственная форма // Фармация. -2002. -No3.-С.42.434.Н. Х.Арипова, М.Б.Баратова, Н.М.Ризаева Оптимизация технологии и выбора компонентов косметического геля //Farmatsiya va farmakologiya 2024-No1 -48-53 Б5.Ризaевa Н.., Махмуджонова, К. Разработка состава и технологии геля “Мавстат” // Eurasianjournalofmedicalandnaturalsciences2024.-4(4), 136–144.
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