The reasons for the change in social attitudes towards women in Turkestan, the center of modern Central Asia, the approach of the modernist movement to the issue of women, efforts to increase the role of women in the processes of social, political and economic renewal of society, in villages analysis of the activity and purpose of the "red corners", the social, political, property and sexual opposition of people, the tragic consequences of differentiation done.
The reasons for the change in social attitudes towards women in Turkestan, the center of modern Central Asia, the approach of the modernist movement to the issue of women, efforts to increase the role of women in the processes of social, political and economic renewal of society, in villages analysis of the activity and purpose of the "red corners", the social, political, property and sexual opposition of people, the tragic consequences of differentiation done.
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | Muhammadyunusova M.M. | Doktor of philosophy (PhD) in Sociological sciences | !! |
№ | Название ссылки |
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