The aim of our pilot clinical study was direct determination of gadolinium accumulation in glial tumors of human brain after single intravenous administration of Magnevist. Study was carried out on samples of glial tumors of human brain extracted during standard brain surgery.Samples from five patients with glial tumors and single intravenous administration of Magnevist in different times before surgery were studied. Samples of two patients with glial tumors and without intravenous administration of Magnevist and other gadolinium containing compounds were studied as control. Gadolinium content in tumor tissues was analyzed by method of neutron activation analysis. It was found that in all five investigated samples gadolinium present in concentrations from 0.0093 to 0.2384 ng/mg (ppm) tumor tissue. In control samples, the gadolinium has not been detected. At present time, the clinical importance of detected effect of gadolinium accumulation in brain tumors after intravenous introduction of pharmacological chelate compounds of gadolinium is not clear enough. As free gadolinium is toxic, so the establishment of fact of gadolinium accumulation in brain tumors can appear significant for interpretation of various unexpected clinical effects in the future

  • Название журналаTibbiyot va sport
  • Номер выпуска2018 (2)
  • Количество просмотров 1324
  • Ссылка в интернете medsport.uz
  • DOI
  • Дата создание в систему UzSCI 03-12-2019
  • Количество прочтений 1265
  • Дата публикации 03-06-2018
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы27-30

Eksperimental klinik ishning maqsadi magnevistni bir tomir ichiga yuborishdan keyin inson miyasida glial o’smalarda gadolinining to’planishi aniqlandi. Glial o’smalari bo’lgan 5 nafar bemorning namunalari operatsiyadan oldin turli vaqtlarda magnezistni bir tomir ichiga yuborish orqali tekshirildi. Nazorat namunalari glial shishi bo’lgan 2 gastrointestinal kasallik va magneziyani va gadoliniyni o’z ichiga olgan boshqa preparatlarni tomir ichiga yuborishdan iborat edi. Shifokorlardagi to’qimalarda gadolin tarkibida neytron faollashuvi tahlil qilindi. Gadolinium tekshiruv namunalarida topilmadi. Bepul gadolinium toksik bo’lganligi sababli, miya o’smalari to’planishining paydo bo’lishi kelajakda turli kutilmagan klinik ta’sirlarni talqin qilish uchun muhimdir


The aim of our pilot clinical study was direct determination of gadolinium accumulation in glial tumors of human brain after single intravenous administration of Magnevist. Study was carried out on samples of glial tumors of human brain extracted during standard brain surgery.Samples from five patients with glial tumors and single intravenous administration of Magnevist in different times before surgery were studied. Samples of two patients with glial tumors and without intravenous administration of Magnevist and other gadolinium containing compounds were studied as control. Gadolinium content in tumor tissues was analyzed by method of neutron activation analysis. It was found that in all five investigated samples gadolinium present in concentrations from 0.0093 to 0.2384 ng/mg (ppm) tumor tissue. In control samples, the gadolinium has not been detected. At present time, the clinical importance of detected effect of gadolinium accumulation in brain tumors after intravenous introduction of pharmacological chelate compounds of gadolinium is not clear enough. As free gadolinium is toxic, so the establishment of fact of gadolinium accumulation in brain tumors can appear significant for interpretation of various unexpected clinical effects in the future


Целью экспериментально-клинического исследования было прямое определение накопления гадолиния в глиальных опухолях головного мозга человека после однократного внутривенного введения магневиста. Были изучены образцы от 5 пациентов с глиальными опухолями при однократном внутривенном введении магневиста в разные моменты времени до операции. Контролем служили образцы 2 пациентов с глиальными опухолями и без внутривенного введения магневиста и других соединений, содержащих гадолиний. Содержание гадолиния в опухолевых тканях анализировалось методом нейтронного активационного анализа. В контрольных образцах гадолиний не обнаружен. Поскольку свободный гадолиний является токсичным, установление факта его накопления в опухолях головного мозга может оказаться значительным для интерпретации различных неожиданных клинических эффектов в будущем.

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