At present, much attention is paid to the use of solar energy. Solar
energy, in addition to traditional energy, is ecologically clean while changing. The
rarity and the rising cost of fuel is one of the main problems of the scientific
technique, which is the acquisition of infinite resources of solar energy. Further
research and experiments on the use of solar energy, as well as the use of solar power
plants in a number of countries, shows that solar energy can be widely used today
based on modern technical capacities.
Bugungi kunda quyosh energiyasidan foydalanishga katta
e'tibor qaratilmoqda. Quyosh energiyasi an'anaviy energetikadan tashqari ekologik
toza va atrof-muhitga zarar yetkazmaydi. Yoqilg'i narxining ko'tarilishi ilmiy
texnikaning asosiy muammolaridan biri bo‗lib, quyosh energiyasi resurslaridan
foydalanish zaruratini keltirib chiqarmoqda. Quyosh energiyasidan foydalanish
bo'yicha tadqiqotlar va tajribalar, shuningdek, bir qator mamlakatlarda quyosh
elektrostantsiyalaridan foydalanish bugungi kunda quyosh energiyasini zamonaviy
texnik imkoniyatlardan keng foydalanishi mumkinligini ko'rsatmoqda.
В настоящее время большое внимание уделяется
использованию солнечной энергии. Солнечная энергия, в дополнение к
традиционной энергии, экологически чиста при изменении. Редкость и
растущая стоимость топлива - одна из главных проблем научной техники,
которая заключается в приобретении бесконечных ресурсов солнечной
энергии. Дальнейшие исследования и эксперименты по использованию
солнечной энергии, а также использованию солнечных электростанций в ряде
стран показывают, что солнечная энергия может широко использоваться сегодня на основе современных технических возможностей.
At present, much attention is paid to the use of solar energy. Solar
energy, in addition to traditional energy, is ecologically clean while changing. The
rarity and the rising cost of fuel is one of the main problems of the scientific
technique, which is the acquisition of infinite resources of solar energy. Further
research and experiments on the use of solar energy, as well as the use of solar power
plants in a number of countries, shows that solar energy can be widely used today
based on modern technical capacities.
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | Uchqun M.. | Lecturer, Department of Electric power industry, Faculty of Electromechanics and Radioelectronics | JizPI |
2 | Tulakov J.T. | Student, Department of Electric power industry, Faculty of Electromechanics and Radioelectronics, | JizPI |
№ | Название ссылки |
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2 | Jane H. Davidson., 2005, ―Low-Temperature Solar Thermal Systems: An Untrapped Energy Resource in the United States‖ ASME J Sol.Energy Eng.,127, p.305. |
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11 | Duffy J.A., Beckman W.A. Thermal processes using solar energy. M.: Mir, 1977. |
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13 | Zhimerin D.G. Energy present and future. M.: Knowledge, 1978.-189 p. |
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16 | Ivashchenko N.A. Automatic res1ulirovanie. M.: Mechanical Engineering, 1973. |
17 | Aparisi P.P., Teplyakov D.I. Solar ovens. Proceedings of the scientific and technical conference on solar technology. Yerevan, 1959. |
18 | Gardner, M.F., Burns JL. Transients in linear systems M.: Gostekhizdat, 1949. |