In this article is analyzed the issues of alienation in the philosophy of Erich Fromm. The development of capitalism has changed the political, economic, and spiritual relationships in the society, and depression, misery, helplessness and solidarity are increasing in people. The philosopher has shown the causes of separation and alienation from the society and ways to get rid of it.

  • Количество прочтений 228
  • Дата публикации 01-01-2019
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы96-104

Ушбу мақолада Эрих Фромм фалсафасида бегоналашув масаласи таҳлил қилинган. Шунингдек, капитализм ривожланиши жамиятда сиѐсий, иқтисодий ва маънавий муносабатларни ўзгартириши, инсонни жамиятдан узоқлашуви ва бегоналашуви сабаблари ҳамда ундан халос бўлиш йўллари кўрсатиб берилган.


В данной статье анализируются проблемы отчуждения в философии Эриха Фромма. А такжи, развитие капитализма изменило политические, экономические и духовные отношения в обществе, причины отделения и отчуждения человека от общества и способы избавления от него.


In this article is analyzed the issues of alienation in the philosophy of Erich Fromm. The development of capitalism has changed the political, economic, and spiritual relationships in the society, and depression, misery, helplessness and solidarity are increasing in people. The philosopher has shown the causes of separation and alienation from the society and ways to get rid of it.

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Asatulloyev I.. Lecturer, The Faculty of History, Department ofPhilosophy, Fergana state university Fergana State University
Название ссылки
1 Egorova I.V. Philosophical anthropology of Erich Fromm. –Moscow: 2002. pp. 138-164. http://www.disscat.com/images.)
2 Atsız H. Evolution of Erich Fromm's humanistic understanding of religion in today's societies. Directorate of Social Sciences Institute of Ondokuz Mayıs University. Samsun: 2006. pp. 57-64
3 Güner M. Erich Fromm's moral understanding. Gazi University. Institute of Social Sciences. Ankara: 2012. pp. 87-96
4 Mauricio Cortina M.D. The Greatness and Limitations of Erich Fromm's Humanism, Contemporary Psychoanalysis. 1996. pp. 388-422.
5 O'Conor J. Erich Fromm: The aloneness of man. New York: 1996. pp. 61-65.
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