In the article, it was spoken about Abdulkholiq Ghijduvoniy and there was analyzed his work ―Maqamoti Yusuf Hamadoniy‖, which he devoted to his master. This paper also draws attention to the fact that, along with giving valuable information about Yusuf Hamadoniy‘s life and activities, there are some problematic information and the author‘s own point of view about its reasons is given.
In the article, it was spoken about Abdulkholiq Ghijduvoniy and there was analyzed his work ―Maqamoti Yusuf Hamadoniy‖, which he devoted to his master. This paper also draws attention to the fact that, along with giving valuable information about Yusuf Hamadoniy‘s life and activities, there are some problematic information and the author‘s own point of view about its reasons is given.
Mazkur maqolada Abdulxoliq G‘ijduvoniy xaqida fikr yuritiladi va uning ustozi Yusuf Hamadoniyga bag‘ishlab yozgan ―Maqomoti Yusuf Hamadoniy‖ asari tahlil qilinadi. Mazkur asarda Yusuf Hamadoniy hayoti va faoliyati xaqida qimmatli ma‘lumotlarning berilishi bilan bir qatorda ayrim muammoli ma‘lumotlar ham mavjudligiga e‘tibor qaratiladi va buning sabablari xaqida muallifning o‘z nuqtai nazari bayon etiladi.
В данной статье расскрывается взгляды Абдулхалика Гиждувани о своѐм учителе, идеальном человеке Ходжа Юсуф Хамадани. Анализируется произведения «Макомоти Юсуф Хамадани». Уделяется особое внимание на ценные сведения о жизни и творчестве наставника, а также на некоторые проблемные сведения.
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | Nurmatova N.U. | Candidate of Historical Sciences Associate Professor of “Social sciences” department at Bukhara engineering – technology institute | Bukhara engineering-technological institute |
№ | Название ссылки |
1 | Hoja Yusuf Hamadoniy. Life criterion (Rutbat ul-hayot). Lesson of the stream. The universe and man. – T.: The Muslim Board of Uzbekistan, ―MOVAROUNNAHR‖, 2018. – P. 3; Fakhruddin Ali Safiy. Rashahotu aynil-hayot. – T.: ―Abu Ali Ibn Sino‖, 2004. – P. 19. |
2 | G.Navruzova, N. Nurmatova. Yusuf Hamadoniy – yetti pirning tabarruk ustozi (Yusuf Hamadani is the blessed teacher of the seven saints). T.: ―MASHHURPRESS‖, 2016.-P.12 |
3 | Khoja Abdulkholiq Ghijduvoniy. Maqomoti Yusuf Hamadoniy. – T.: ―Yangi asr avlodi‖, 2003; Khoja Abdulkholiq Ghijduvoniy. Maqomoti Yusuf Hamadoniy (Risolai Sohibia) * Testament. – T.: ―Movarounnahr‖, 2018. |
4 | Khoja Abdulkholiq Ghijduvoniy. Maqomoti Yusuf Hamadoniy. – T.: ―Yangi asr avlodi‖, 2003. – P. 14. |
5 | Khoja Abdulkholiq Ghijduvoniy. Maqomoti Yusuf Hamadoniy (Risolai Sohibia) * Testament. – T.: ―Movarounnahr‖, 2018. – P. 33. |