The article emphasizes the high demands that are put forward to the professional knowledge and skills of air traffic controllers. Attention is drawn to ICAO's civil aviation training policy, which supports the human resource development strategies developed by Member States and the aviation community and provides access to a sufficient number of qualified and competent professionals. Based on this, the feasibility of research and improvement of the educational process of training air traffic controllers is substantiated. As a research method, the collection, processing and analysis of statistical data is used. As the subject of the study, educational programs for the training of aviation specialists of higher educational institutions of the USA, the Russian Federation, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Uzbekistan were adopted. The article presents the results of the analysis of curricula, arguing the choice of the most relevant areas of the educational process, in which it is advisable to digitalize educational and methodological support. The analysis concerns the content of curricula, the composition of academic disciplines and the motivations established for them. Based on the analysis, the dominant requirements are identified that determine the specifics of education for the training of specialists for air traffic management and services. It has been established that in the structures of curricula of specialized disciplines the greatest attention is given to knowledge of regulatory legal documents. This became the evidential basis to make a conclusion about the relevance of digitalization of educational and methodical manuals related to regulatory legal documents and the use of electronic educational technologies in the training process of air traffic controllers.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 29-07-2020
  • Read count 476
  • Date of publication 20-05-2020
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages5-14

Maqolada aviadispetcherlarning kasbiy bilmlari va konikmalariga qoyilgan talablar yoritilgan. ICAOng unga azo bo‘lgan davlatlar va aviatsiya hamjamoalar tarafidan insonlar resursini rivojlantirish strategiyasiga va yuqori kvalifikatsiyaga  hamda kompetensiyaga ega bolgan mutaxassislarga talab darajasida erishishga  oid fuqarolik aviatsiyasi uchun mutaxassislarni tayyorlash sohasini qollab-quvvatlash siyosatiga e'tibor qaratilgan. Ushbu ma'lumotlarga binoan aviadispetcherlarni tayyorlash  oquv jarayonida tadqiqot otkazish maqsadga loiq ekanligi asoslangan. Tadqiqot otkazishda statistik ma'lumotlarni toplash, ularni qayta ishlash va tahlil qilish uslubiga tayanilgan. Tadqiqot predmeti sifatida Ozbekiston Respublikasi, AQSH, Rossiya Federatsiyasi, Chehiya va  Belarusiya  Respublikasi aviatsiya mutaxassislarini tayyorlovchi  oliy ta'lim muassasalarining oquv dasturlari qabul etilgan. Maqolada  oquv-uslubiy  ta'minotni raqamlashtirish  kesimida  oquv jarayonining eng dolzarb sohasini tanlash va asoslab beruvchi tahliliy  natijalar  keltirilgan.  Tahlil ishlari oquv dasturlarining mazmuni, tarkibi va ularning maqsadli  vazifalarini  qamragan.  Tahlil asosida  havodagi  harakatni  tashkil  etish va unga xizmat korsatish  tuzilmalariga  mutaxassislarni  tayyorlash  jarayonini  belgilovchi  ustuvoriy talablar  aniqlangan.  Kasbiy  fanlarning  oquv  dasturlari  tuzilmasida  meyoriy-huquqiy  hujjatlar boyicha bilim olishga kop etibor berilishi korsatilgan. Bu natija meyoriy-huquqiy  hujjatlarga oid oquv-uslubiy  qollanmalarni  raqamlashtirish  va   aviadispetcherlarning tayyorlash oquv jarayonida  electron  ta'lim  tehnologiyalarini  ishlatish  dolzarb ekanligi  togrisida  xulosa qilingan.


The article emphasizes the high demands that are put forward to the professional knowledge and skills of air traffic controllers. Attention is drawn to ICAO's civil aviation training policy, which supports the human resource development strategies developed by Member States and the aviation community and provides access to a sufficient number of qualified and competent professionals. Based on this, the feasibility of research and improvement of the educational process of training air traffic controllers is substantiated. As a research method, the collection, processing and analysis of statistical data is used. As the subject of the study, educational programs for the training of aviation specialists of higher educational institutions of the USA, the Russian Federation, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Uzbekistan were adopted. The article presents the results of the analysis of curricula, arguing the choice of the most relevant areas of the educational process, in which it is advisable to digitalize educational and methodological support. The analysis concerns the content of curricula, the composition of academic disciplines and the motivations established for them. Based on the analysis, the dominant requirements are identified that determine the specifics of education for the training of specialists for air traffic management and services. It has been established that in the structures of curricula of specialized disciplines the greatest attention is given to knowledge of regulatory legal documents. This became the evidential basis to make a conclusion about the relevance of digitalization of educational and methodical manuals related to regulatory legal documents and the use of electronic educational technologies in the training process of air traffic controllers.


В статье акцентируется внимание на высокие требования, которые  выдвигаются к профессиональным знаниям и навыкам авиадиспетчеров. Обращается внимание на политику  ICAO в области подготовки специалистов гражданской авиации, предусматривающую  поддержку стратегии развития людских ресурсов, разработанной государствами-членами  ICAO и авиационным сообществом, и доступ к достаточному числу квалифицированных и компетентных специалистов. Основываясь на этом, подчеркивается целесообразность исследования и  совершенствования учебного процесса подготовки авиадиспетчеров. Методам исследования является сбор, обработка и анализ статистических данных.  В качестве предмета исследования приняты учебные программы подготовки авиаспециалистов высших учебных заведений США, Российской Федерации, Чехии, Республики Беларусь и Республики Узбекистан. В статье приводятся результаты анализа учебных программ, аргументирующие выбор наиболее актуальных сфер учебного процесса, в которых целесообразно осуществить цифровизацию  учебно-методического обеспечения. Анализ касается содержания учебных программ, состава учебных дисциплин и имеющихсяк ним мотиваций. На основе анализа выявлены доминирующие требования, которые определяют специфику образования по подготовке специалистов для служб обслуживания воздушного движения. Установлено, что в структурах учебных программ профильных дисциплин наибольшее внимание отводится знаниям нормативно-правовых документов. Это  послужило доказательной базой об актуальности цифровизации учебно-методических пособий, касающихся нормативных правовых документов, и использования в учебном процессе  подготовки авиадиспетчеров электронных образовательных технологий.


Author name position Name of organisation
1 SHukurova S.. katta o’qituvchi TDTU
2 Shamsiev Z.Z. professor TDTU
3 Sterenharz A.. Direktor ECM EU Academy: Trainig
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