The richness of the phytocenotic, floristic diversity of the vegetation cover of the
Baysun-Chulbair Mountains is in accordance with the general natural law, ie its geographical,
orographic, geological, hydrological, climatic and soil types, sea level and mountain slopes
expositions, the harmony of the taxonomic units historically formed by the plant communities
associated with them, ie because of the biogeocenosis complex were found and evaluated in the
size of the independent district.
Бойсун–Чўлбаир тоғлари ўсимликлар қопламининг фитоценотик,
флористик жиҳатдан хилма-хиллигини умумий табиий қонуниятга мос ҳолда, яъни
унинг географик, орографик, геологик, гидрологик, иқлим-тупроқ типлари, денгиз
сатҳидан баландлиги ва тоғ ёнбағирларининг экспозицияларига мос, уларга боғлиқ
ҳолда ўсимлик жамоаларининг тарихан ташкил топган таксономик бирликларнинг
уйғунликлари, яъни биогеоценоз мажмуасидан ташкил топганлиги сабабли, мустақил
туман ҳажмида ўрганилди ва баҳоланди.
Богатство фитоценотического, флористического разнообразия
растительного покрова Байсун-Чулбаирских гор соответствует общему природному
закону: его географическим, орографическим, геологическим, гидрологическим,
климатическим и почвенным типам, экспозициям уровня моря и склонов гор,
гармония таксономических единиц, исторически сформированных растительными
сообществами, связанными с ними, т. е. из-за биогеоценозного комплекса, была
обнаружена и оценена в размере самостоятельного района.
The richness of the phytocenotic, floristic diversity of the vegetation cover of the
Baysun-Chulbair Mountains is in accordance with the general natural law, ie its geographical,
orographic, geological, hydrological, climatic and soil types, sea level and mountain slopes
expositions, the harmony of the taxonomic units historically formed by the plant communities
associated with them, ie because of the biogeocenosis complex were found and evaluated in the
size of the independent district.
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Kholmurodov M.A. | dotsent | Afghan Citizens Education Center |
2 | Kodirova D.N. | dotsent | TerDU |
№ | Name of reference |
1 | 1. Norbobaeva T. Classification of vegetation in southern Uzbekistan // Uzbek biologic journal. -2004. –№1. –p. |
2 | 2. Kholmurodov M., Norboboeva T. Transformation of pasture vegetation Baysuntau // “Biology science of the XXI century”, 7th Pushkin School-Conference of Young Scientists April 14-18, 2003 Abstracts collection. –Pushino: 2003. –p. 234. |
3 | ientists April 14-18, 2003 Abstracts collection. –Pushino: 2003. –p. 234. 3. Kholmurodov M., Norboboeva T., Khujanazarov U. E. Transformation of pasture vegetation Baysuntau // Proceedings of the XVI International Scientific Student Conference. –Novosibirsk: 2003. –p. 146-148. |
4 | 4. Kholmurodov M., Choriyev A., Rahimova F. Rare plants of the natural and geographical region of Gissar // “Geographical bases of mountain and foothill use”. Tashkent. 2002. |
5 | 5. Kholmurodov M., Mamanazarov R. Choriev Rare plants found on the territory of Surkhandarya region // The homonymous plants of Uzbekistan, priority issues of their rational use and protection. 1 Republican scientific-practical conference. Termez. 2003. |
6 | 6. KholmurodovМ.А.,Kodirova D. “The plants of the Surkhandarya region included in the Red Book”. Termez. 2015 |