Engineering graphic education is aimed at developing skills of working with one of the most complex, from the point of view of human perception, representations of the geometry of an object through projection drawing based on numerous simplifications and special rules. Overcoming the technical difficulties of creating such an image is facilitated by computer tools for  design and design work automation. The purpose of this work is to develop the  independent work skills and improve the professional competence of future professionals using computer technology. Introduction of electronic learning tools to the educational process allows to reconstruct the process of teaching the subject, maximize the development of independent work skills and reduce the length of adaptation period of students to the conditions of study at university. In the work examples of geometrical figures modeling on a special touch screen are considered, allowing to involve a wide audience of students in the cognitive process simultaneously. The received results allow to increase intellectual-cognitive abilities of students, to form high competent skills, The results of the works are recommended to be used in the educational process of higher technical educational institutions for the training of designers-designers.


  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 12-08-2020
  • Read count 250
  • Date of publication 20-05-2020
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages147-154

Muhandislik grafik ta'limi konikma ishlarini shakllanishiga yonaltirilgan bolib, inson uchun qabul qilish nuqtai nazardan juda murakkabidan biridir. Proekcion chizma yordamida geometrik obyektni tasavvur qilish kop sonli soddalashtirishlarga va maxsus qoidalarga asoslangan. Bunday tasvirlarni tuzish tehnik qiyinchiligini engish uchun kompyuter jihozlari loyiha va konstruktorlik ishlarni avtomatlashtirish yordam beradi. Ushbu ishni maqsadi kompyuter tehnologiyalardan  foydalanib kelajak mutahassislarini mustaqil ish bajarish orqali konikmalarini rivojlantirish va professional kompetensiyalarini takomillashtirishdan iborat. Oqitishning elektron jihozlarini oquv  jarayoniga tatbiq qilinishi, fanni oqitish, qayta korishga imkon berib, mustaqil ta'lim ishlarini, konikmalarini ostirishga yordam beradi va talabalarni oliy ta'lim sharoitiga  moslashish muddatini  qisqartiradi. Ushbu  ishda  geometrik figuralarni modellashtirishga misol keltirilgan, maxsus sensorni ekranda, bir vaqtni ozida katta auditoriyada ta'lim oluvchilarni e'tiborini bu jarayonga tortish uchun olingan natijalar  talabalarni qabul qilish intellekti, qobiliyatlarini ostirishga yordam berib, yuqori kompitentli konikmalarni shakllantiradi va natijalarni oliy texnika  oquv yurtlarini bakalavr talabalari oquv jarayoniga tatbiq qilish uchun tavsiya etiladi.


Engineering graphic education is aimed at developing skills of working with one of the most complex, from the point of view of human perception, representations of the geometry of an object through projection drawing based on numerous simplifications and special rules. Overcoming the technical difficulties of creating such an image is facilitated by computer tools for  design and design work automation. The purpose of this work is to develop the  independent work skills and improve the professional competence of future professionals using computer technology. Introduction of electronic learning tools to the educational process allows to reconstruct the process of teaching the subject, maximize the development of independent work skills and reduce the length of adaptation period of students to the conditions of study at university. In the work examples of geometrical figures modeling on a special touch screen are considered, allowing to involve a wide audience of students in the cognitive process simultaneously. The received results allow to increase intellectual-cognitive abilities of students, to form high competent skills, The results of the works are recommended to be used in the educational process of higher technical educational institutions for the training of designers-designers.



В статье рассматривается инженерное графическое образование направлено на формирование навыков работы с одним из самых сложных, с точки зрения восприятия человеком, представлений o геометрии объекта посредством проекционного чертежа, основанного на многочисленных упрощениях и специальных правилах. Преодолению технических трудностей создания такого изображения способствуют компьютерные средства автоматизации проектных и конструкторских работ. Целью данной работы является развитие навыков самостоятельной работы и совершенствование профессиональной компетенции будущих специалистов с использованием компьютерных технологий. Введение в учебный процесс электронных средств обучения позволяет перестроить процесс преподавания предмета, максимально способствовать развитию навыков самостоятельной работы и сократить длительность адаптации студентов к условиям обучения в вузе. В работе рассмотрены примеры моделирования геометрических фигур на специальном сенсорном экране, позволяющем одновременно вовлечь в познавательный процесс широкую аудиторию обучающихся. Полученные результаты позволяют повысить интеллектуально-познавательные способности студентов, эффективно формировать высокие компетентные навыки. Результаты работ рекомендуется использовать в учебном процессе высших технических учебных заведений для подготовки дизайнеров-конструкторов.


Author name position Name of organisation
1 Azimov T.D. Professor TDTU
2 Mirzaraimova V.T. kattan o'qituvchisi TDTU
3 Azimov A.T. dotsent TDTU
4 Toktosunov A.. техника фанлари номзоди Қирғизистон Республикаси Ош технология университети
Name of reference
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