• Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 03-10-2020
  • Read count 234
  • Date of publication 12-07-2020
  • Main LanguageRus
  • Pages34-35

A variety of winter soft wheat Yanbash was used as a standard. The article presents the results of a study of varieties of winter soft wheat in a competitive variety test on the main economically valuable characteristics. Values that were valuable for a number of characteristics were selected - sources for use in breeding programs to increase the values of individual parameters. In our experimental studies, varietal samples in terms of the growing season are related to early ripening varieties, and in terms of plant height for semi-dwarf variety samples.

Name of reference
1 1. Алабушев А.В. Адаптивный потенциал сортов зерновых культур // Зернобобовые и крупяные культуры. 2013. №2(6). Стр. 47-51.
2 2. Самофалова Н.Е. Амазонка – новый экологически устойчивый сорт озимой твердой пшеницы // Н.Е.Самофалова, Н.П.Иличкина, Е.В.Ионова, О.А.Дубинина // Зерновое хозяйство России. 2010. №3(9). Стр. 5-9.