The article provides information about origin, nutritional and health-promoting properties of squash. It also high lights findings of testing 20 varieties of squash and zucchini in Uzbekistan. The varieties were assessed for mass and productivity in technical ripeness. Seeds were characterized by weight, number of seeds in one fruit, in 1 kg, seed yield in percent of total weight of fruit, and seed productivity. 

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 09-10-2020
  • Read count 219
  • Date of publication 11-11-2019
  • Main LanguageRus
  • Pages16-17

The article provides information about origin, nutritional and health-promoting properties of squash. It also high lights findings of testing 20 varieties of squash and zucchini in Uzbekistan. The varieties were assessed for mass and productivity in technical ripeness. Seeds were characterized by weight, number of seeds in one fruit, in 1 kg, seed yield in percent of total weight of fruit, and seed productivity. 

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Dusmuratova S.. д.с.х.н., профессор ТашГАУ
2 Aripova S.R. НИИ овоще-бахчевых культур и картофеля
Name of reference
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3 3. Гуцалюк Т.Г., Айтбаев Т.Е. Дыня. Значение и использование культуры, сорта. //Научное обеспечение бахчеводства Казахстана: история, современное состояние и перспективы развития. — Алматы 2012. - С. 209-217.
4 4. Зуев В.И., Мавлянова Р.Ф., Дусмуратова С.И., Буриев Х.Ч. Овощи – это пища и лекарство. —Ташкент: Навруз. 2016. – С. 98-99.
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