• Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 10-11-2020
  • Read count 287
  • Date of publication 29-10-2020
  • Main LanguageRus
  • Pages40-41

With the aim of producing and expanding the range of export-oriented wine products from technical grape varieties, we studied “cryoextraction” as an unconventional method for processing grapes in Uzbekistan. Scientific research has established the possibility of using cryoextraction of grapes grown under the conditions of Uzbekistan to increase the concentration of titratable acidity, a low value of which is typical for grapes in our region. This method is promising in the technology of production of unique, high-quality wines that will harmoniously combine high acidity with high sugar content while maintaining varietal aroma with the imposition of aroma formed by the production technology.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Julbekov I.. магистр ТашХТИ
2 Sapayeva Z.. т.ф.н., доцент ТашХТИ
3 Abdullayeva B.. т.ф.н., доцент ТашХТИ
Name of reference
1 1. Zuraldo, Donald J,P. Icewine : extreme winemaking . Kanada. 2007, 192 p.
2 2. Энциклопедия виноградарства. 1, 2, 3 том
3 3. Сапаева З.Ш., Абдуллаева Б.А., Саломов С.Н. Влияние криоэкстракции винограда на состав сусла // POLISH SCIENCE JOURNAL (ISSUE 5(26), 2020) - Warsaw: Sp. z o. o. «iScience», 2020. Part 1 – 151-153 p.
4 4. Абдуллаев О.О., Ташкентбаев А. Промышленное виноградарство и виноделие. Руководство. изд. «Meriyus» 2009.- 156 с.
5 5. Сапаева З.Ш., Абдуллаева Б.А., Саломов С.Н., Хабибуллаев Б.М. Инновационные технологические приёмы переработки винограда // Молодой ученый. Международный научный журнал. №9 (299). 2020. С. 37-39.