The article is devoted to the development of modern English grammar and the
terms “development”, “grammar” and examines the notion of “the “development of grammar” in
relation to modern English. It is shown that the language as an integral property of the man
develops after the development of the society.
The article is devoted to the development of modern English grammar and the
terms “development”, “grammar” and examines the notion of “the “development of grammar” in
relation to modern English. It is shown that the language as an integral property of the man
develops after the development of the society.
Статья посвящена вопросу развития грамматики современного
английского языка. В ней разбираются термины "развитие", "грамматика" и
анализируется понятие "развитие грамматики" применительно к современному
английскому языку. Показано, что язык как неотъемлемое свойство человека развивается
вслед за развитием общества.
Maqolada zamonaviy ingliz tilining grammatikasi yoritib berilgan. Unda
"rivojlantirish", "grammatika" tushunchalarini va zamonaviy ingliz tiliga nisbatan
"grammatikani rivojlantirish" tushunchasini tahlil qilingan. Insoniyat taraqqiyotida til rivojlanishi
jamiyat rivojlanishi bilan bog’liq rivojlanadi.
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