The Delphinium oreophilum Huth species of the Delphinium plant was harvested 
from  the  slopes  of Zaamin  in  July 2018  and dried  in  a  cool place. The volatile  compounds  of  the 
essential oils obtained from the surface of the plant by hydrodistillasia method were investigated by 
chromato-mas-spectral. As a result of investigation 29 essential substances were found in essential 
oils.  The  most  common  ones  are  Phenol  (16.17%),  guajol  (12.09%),  phenethyl  alcohol  (11.21), 
benzyl alcohol (9.8), acetoin (9.79%), 2-heptanol (9.64%). (Z) -3-Hexen-1-ol (5.35%), 3-methyl 1-
Butanol (3.48%), cia-carane (3,55), a-terpineol (3,41). 

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 25-12-2020
  • Read count 231
  • Date of publication 16-12-2020
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages81-84

The Delphinium oreophilum Huth species of the Delphinium plant was harvested 
from  the  slopes  of Zaamin  in  July 2018  and dried  in  a  cool place. The volatile  compounds  of  the 
essential oils obtained from the surface of the plant by hydrodistillasia method were investigated by 
chromato-mas-spectral. As a result of investigation 29 essential substances were found in essential 
oils.  The  most  common  ones  are  Phenol  (16.17%),  guajol  (12.09%),  phenethyl  alcohol  (11.21), 
benzyl alcohol (9.8), acetoin (9.79%), 2-heptanol (9.64%). (Z) -3-Hexen-1-ol (5.35%), 3-methyl 1-
Butanol (3.48%), cia-carane (3,55), a-terpineol (3,41). 


Delphinium o’simligining Delphinium oreophilum Huth turi 2018-yil iyul-
avgust  oylarida  Zomin  tog’  yonbag’irlaridan  terildi  va  salqin  joyda  quritildi.  O’simlikning  yer 
ustki  qismidan  gidrodistillyaziya  usulida  olingan  efir moylarining  uchuvchi moddalari  xromato-
mas-cpektral  usulida  tekshirilgan.Tekshirish  natijasida  efir  moylari  tarkibida  29  moddalar 
aniqlangan.  Ular  orasida  quyidagilar  ko’proq  uchragan:  Phenol  (16.17%),  guajol  (12.09  %), 
phenethyl  alcohol  (11,21),  benzyl  alcohol  (9.8),  acetoin  (9,79  %),  2-heptanol  (9.64  %),  cia-
carane(3,55), α-terpineol (3,41)


Растение    произорастающий  в  горах  Зомин    Delphinium  oreophilum 
Huth  семейства  Delphinium  был  собран  в  июле-августе  2018  года  и  высушен  в  тени.  Из 
надземной  части  методом  гидродистилляции  получен  летучие  эфирные  масла,  состав 
изучен методом  хромато-масс-спектроскопии. В  составе  эфирных масел  обнаружены  29 
веществ. Среди них больше  всего обнаружены  : Phenol  (16.17%), guajol  (12.09 %), phenethyl alcohol (11,21), benzyl alcohol (9.8), acetoin (9,79 %), 2-heptanol (9.64 %), (-) cia-carane(3,55), α-
terpineol (3,41) 

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Ibroximovna X.A.
2 Abdullayev S. .
3 Rajabova M..
Name of reference
1 Flora Uzbekistana. Tashkent, 1961. Т. 5. с. 270, 284.
2 M.H.BENN, 2 .M.A.M.CAMERON, 2 O.E.EDWARDS THE ALKALOIDS OF DELPHINIUM BROWN11 RYDB. THE STRUCTURE OF BROWNIINE1. Diz'ision of Pure Chenzistvy, National Resea~ch Cozlncil, Ottawa, Canada Received October 10, 1962
3 Tkachev A.V. Study of plant volatiles. Novosibirsk, 2008.969 s.