The article discusses the rationale for the integrated education of environmental
and moral perception. The formation of a new, integrating, meaningful line in education is a long
process, requiring the natural maturation of its sociocultural and psychological-pedagogical
prerequisites. However, given the uncertainty of the reserve of time allotted by global
environmental processes to achieve the results of education for sustainable development, the
feasibility of switching to a conscious, advanced and purposeful design of integration processes in
education, to managing these processes based on the formation of a new moral worldview is
substantiated. The integration of these processes will expand the range of initial development of
environmental education and the formation of a spiritual and moral direction. According to one
version, there are currently two theories of world development - the theory of globalization of
information, or the theory of the golden billion, and the theory of globalization of the economy, or
the concept of sustainable development. Each of these theories has its supporters and opponents.
Adherents of the theory of the golden billion argue that the uneven distribution of resources has
developed historically and it is impossible to change anything - all resources. There is not enough
land for the rest of the population to live as well as the golden billion. Supporters of the concept of
sustainable development are talking about the development in each person of a spiritual and
intellectual beginning while satisfying reasonable material needs. There are also various views of a
justified post-industrial society.
The article discusses the rationale for the integrated education of environmental
and moral perception. The formation of a new, integrating, meaningful line in education is a long
process, requiring the natural maturation of its sociocultural and psychological-pedagogical
prerequisites. However, given the uncertainty of the reserve of time allotted by global
environmental processes to achieve the results of education for sustainable development, the
feasibility of switching to a conscious, advanced and purposeful design of integration processes in
education, to managing these processes based on the formation of a new moral worldview is
substantiated. The integration of these processes will expand the range of initial development of
environmental education and the formation of a spiritual and moral direction. According to one
version, there are currently two theories of world development - the theory of globalization of
information, or the theory of the golden billion, and the theory of globalization of the economy, or
the concept of sustainable development. Each of these theories has its supporters and opponents.
Adherents of the theory of the golden billion argue that the uneven distribution of resources has
developed historically and it is impossible to change anything - all resources. There is not enough
land for the rest of the population to live as well as the golden billion. Supporters of the concept of
sustainable development are talking about the development in each person of a spiritual and
intellectual beginning while satisfying reasonable material needs. There are also various views of a
justified post-industrial society.
Maqolada atrof-muhit va axloqiy idrokni integratsiyalash jarayonida ta'lim
asoslarini muhokama qiladi. Ta'limda yangi, integratsiyalashgan, mazmunli tizimni shakllantirish
uzoq vaqt davom etadigan jarayon bo'lib, uning ijtimoiy-madaniy va psixologik-pedagogik shart-
sharoitlarini tabiiy ravishda kamolotga erishishni talab qiladi. Shu bilan birga, global ekologik
jarayonlar tomonidan barqaror rivojlanish manfaatlariga muvofiq ta'lim natijalariga ega bolish
uchun ajratilgan vaqt zaxirasining noaniqligi hisobga olinsa, ta'lim jarayonida ushbu jarayonlarni
yangi axloqiy dunyoqarashni shakllantirish asosida boshqarish uchun integratsiyalashgan tizimni
ongli, ilg'or va maqsadli andozaga o'tishning yangi asoslari shakilanadi. Ushbu jarayonlarning
integratsiyasi ekologik ta'limning boshlang'ich rivojlanish doirasini va ma'naviy-axloqiy
yo'nalishni shakllantirishni kengaytiradi. Bitta turga ko'ra, hozirgi vaqtda dunyo taraqqiyotining
ikkita nazariyasi mavjud - axborotning globallashuvi nazariyasi yoki oltin milliard nazariyasi va
iqtisodiyotni globallashtirish nazariyasi yoki barqaror rivojlanish kontseptsiyasi. Ushbu
nazariyalarning har biri o'z tarafdorlari va muxoliflariga ega. Oltin milliardlar nazariyasi
tarafdorlari manbalarning notekis taqsimlanishi tarixan rivojlangan va hech narsani o'zgartirish
mumkin emas degan fikrni egasidir. Aholining qolgan qismi oltin milliard tarafdorlaridir ularning
fikrlaricha bu tizimni joriy etish uchun yerninh zahirasi yetarli emas. Barqaror rivojlanish kontseptsiyasining tarafdorlari har bir insonda ma'naviy va intellektual printsipning rivojlanishi,
asosida o'rtacha moddiy ehtiyojlarni qondirish manbalari negizidagi qarashlarning sof holatini
rivojlantirish zarurdir. Shuningdek, sog'lom postindustriyali jamiyat to'g'risidagi turli xil
qarashlar ham mavjudir.
В статье рассматривается обоснование комплексного воспитания
экологического и нравственного восприятия. Формирование новой, интегрирующей,
осмысленной линии в образовании - длительный процесс, требующий естественного
созревания его социокультурных и психолого-педагогических предпосылок. Однако,
учитывая неопределенность резерва времени, выделенного глобальными экологическими
процессами для достижения результатов образования в интересах устойчивого развития,
целесообразность перехода к сознательному, продвинутому и целенаправленному
проектированию интеграционных процессов в образовании для управления этими
процессами на основе обосновано формирование нового нравственного мировоззрения.
Интеграция этих процессов позволит расширить спектр начального развития
экологического образования и формирования духовно-нравственного направления. Согласно
одной из версий, в настоящее время существует две теории мирового развития - теория
глобализации информации, или теория золотого миллиарда, и теория глобализации
экономики, или концепция устойчивого развития. У каждой из этих теорий есть свои
сторонники и противники. Сторонники теории золотого миллиарда утверждают, что
неравномерное распределение ресурсов сложилось исторически и невозможно что-либо
изменить. Земли для жизни остального населения и золотого миллиарда думают иначе.
Сторонники концепции устойчивого развития говорят о развитии в каждом человеке
духовного и интеллектуального начала при одновременном удовлетворении разумных
материальных потребностей. Существуют также различные взгляды на обоснованное
постиндустриальное общество.
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