The article considers  the only problem existing in the plywood production  of glued and pressed wood-based composite materials, that demands technology and production improvement in this area. Thermo-reactive polymer-based adhesives and resins used as binders in the production contain a toxic substance-formalin. This, in turn, is known to cause serious damage to human health[1]. For this reason, in order to reduce the level of chemical toxicity of the used binder resins, scientific research is being carried out in the production of wood composite materials modified with certain chemical compounds[2,12]. We also conducted a research in the laboratory to obtain resin-treated by modifying phenol-formaldehyde resin, which is partially highly-toxic.


  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 25-03-2021
  • Read count 174
  • Date of publication 20-11-2020
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages53-58

The article considers  the only problem existing in the plywood production  of glued and pressed wood-based composite materials, that demands technology and production improvement in this area. Thermo-reactive polymer-based adhesives and resins used as binders in the production contain a toxic substance-formalin. This, in turn, is known to cause serious damage to human health[1]. For this reason, in order to reduce the level of chemical toxicity of the used binder resins, scientific research is being carried out in the production of wood composite materials modified with certain chemical compounds[2,12]. We also conducted a research in the laboratory to obtain resin-treated by modifying phenol-formaldehyde resin, which is partially highly-toxic.


Author name position Name of organisation
1 Aliyev S.S. ассистент Тошкент кимё-технология институти
Name of reference
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