Non-linear elements are widely used in various automation devices, converting and measuring equipment. They are often presented in the form of diode-resistive circuits. In single-circuit electrical circuits, their calculation by a numerical method reduces to compiling nonlinear equations and solving it using the Newton-Raphson method with specifying reasonable initial conditions for the calculation. The article is aimed at determining the dimensions of the Jacobi matrix in numerical calculations of nonlinear chains. Using the example of numerical calculation of two simplest schemes with nonlinear elements, it is shown that by eliminating the coordinate chain (system equations) from the system of equations that do not contain nonlinear elements, the Jacobi matrix is ​​reduced in size.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system05-05-2021
  • Read count134
  • Date of publication19-11-2020
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages112-118

Non-linear elements are widely used in various automation devices, converting and measuring equipment. They are often presented in the form of diode-resistive circuits. In single-circuit electrical circuits, their calculation by a numerical method reduces to compiling nonlinear equations and solving it using the Newton-Raphson method with specifying reasonable initial conditions for the calculation. The article is aimed at determining the dimensions of the Jacobi matrix in numerical calculations of nonlinear chains. Using the example of numerical calculation of two simplest schemes with nonlinear elements, it is shown that by eliminating the coordinate chain (system equations) from the system of equations that do not contain nonlinear elements, the Jacobi matrix is ​​reduced in size.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Sapaev X. . Professor TDTU
2 Abduraimov . . phD TDTU
3 Umarov S.B. phD TDTU
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