In this article, the fuzzy synergistic controller is developed for a class of indefinite nonlinear dynamic systems a discrete-time. Synergetic control scheme is proposed to deal with the problem of controlling non-linear systems. Non-linear systems with configurations and parameters that change over time require a fully non-linear model and discrete-time adaptive control scheme for a practical operating environment. Control laws were designed by the method of analytical design of aggregated regulators (ADAR).

Fuzzy logic systems are used to estimate the unknown nonlinear behaviours of the system, and a novel adaptive fuzzy controller is designed via synergetic control theory. It's formed of a fuzzy system to approximate the unknown system dynamics with an adaptive synergetic control to archive the desired performances. A simulation results of a real world example are indicated, to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 05-05-2021
  • Read count 300
  • Date of publication 20-11-2020
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages124-129

In this article, the fuzzy synergistic controller is developed for a class of indefinite nonlinear dynamic systems a discrete-time. Synergetic control scheme is proposed to deal with the problem of controlling non-linear systems. Non-linear systems with configurations and parameters that change over time require a fully non-linear model and discrete-time adaptive control scheme for a practical operating environment. Control laws were designed by the method of analytical design of aggregated regulators (ADAR).

Fuzzy logic systems are used to estimate the unknown nonlinear behaviours of the system, and a novel adaptive fuzzy controller is designed via synergetic control theory. It's formed of a fuzzy system to approximate the unknown system dynamics with an adaptive synergetic control to archive the desired performances. A simulation results of a real world example are indicated, to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Sidikov .X. Professor TDTU
2 Usmanov . . katta о‘qituvchi Toshkent kimyo texnologiya instituti
3 Yakubova N.S. doktorant TDTU
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