The pulse-frequency control systems are widely used in radar, space industry, for control of technological processes and robots and many other areas. Today, there are various approximate and accurate methods for the analysis and synthesis of pulse-frequency systems (PFS). However, the area of ​​the practical application of the existed methods  is mainly limited to single-variable systems. The classical methods provide the consideration of the initial structures of pulse-frequency systems as a whole. This article proposes the decomposition method for modeling and research pulse-frequency automatic control systems. The method is based on the mathematical apparatus of signal-flow graphs. We can use the method for analysis and synthesis of both single-variable and multivariable automatic control systems with pulse-frequency modulation.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 05-05-2021
  • Read count 290
  • Date of publication 20-11-2020
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages134-141

The pulse-frequency control systems are widely used in radar, space industry, for control of technological processes and robots and many other areas. Today, there are various approximate and accurate methods for the analysis and synthesis of pulse-frequency systems (PFS). However, the area of ​​the practical application of the existed methods  is mainly limited to single-variable systems. The classical methods provide the consideration of the initial structures of pulse-frequency systems as a whole. This article proposes the decomposition method for modeling and research pulse-frequency automatic control systems. The method is based on the mathematical apparatus of signal-flow graphs. We can use the method for analysis and synthesis of both single-variable and multivariable automatic control systems with pulse-frequency modulation.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Kadirov A.A. Professor TDTU
2 Kadirov A.A. Assistant TDTU
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