.   On the basis of the conducted research, the authors have systematized the approaches to the measurement and test uncertainties assessment, have given their definitions and metrological characteristics ensuring quality of the obtained observational data. The scientific and methodological recommendations are given and key problems of implementation of the uncertainty concept for the accredited testing facilities and metrological service laboratories are presented in the paper. The urgency of the development of the general system for uncertainty measurement unified with the GUM (Guidance on uncertainty measurements) for conducting chemical and other types of analysis in accordance with the international standards SI in the governmental systems of measurement traceability  supply is proved. The measurement results are standartized based on this system. In the metrological assurance of production and measurement technology, and other fields of technology and technique, along with this criterion, the cofidence interval is presented as well.  It's very significant, that nowadays the national authorities for accreditation require from the analytical laboratories providing  measurement uncertainties data for the results issued by them. Exactly therefore, the problem of development the system of uniform estimation parameters for accuracy characteristics of the physical and chemical measurements has  its practical value.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 06-05-2021
  • Read count 275
  • Date of publication 20-11-2020
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages167-175

.   On the basis of the conducted research, the authors have systematized the approaches to the measurement and test uncertainties assessment, have given their definitions and metrological characteristics ensuring quality of the obtained observational data. The scientific and methodological recommendations are given and key problems of implementation of the uncertainty concept for the accredited testing facilities and metrological service laboratories are presented in the paper. The urgency of the development of the general system for uncertainty measurement unified with the GUM (Guidance on uncertainty measurements) for conducting chemical and other types of analysis in accordance with the international standards SI in the governmental systems of measurement traceability  supply is proved. The measurement results are standartized based on this system. In the metrological assurance of production and measurement technology, and other fields of technology and technique, along with this criterion, the cofidence interval is presented as well.  It's very significant, that nowadays the national authorities for accreditation require from the analytical laboratories providing  measurement uncertainties data for the results issued by them. Exactly therefore, the problem of development the system of uniform estimation parameters for accuracy characteristics of the physical and chemical measurements has  its practical value.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Masharipov .M. PhD TDTU
2 Fattoev F. . senior teacher TDTU
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