In this article, the forms of moisture connection and the thermal characteristics of plant materials are studied. Rosehip and hawthorn fruits have been chosen as the object of the research. In the heat analyzer, a decrease in the mass of the product and an increase in temperature have been found when the temperature was controlled in a certain gas environment. The mass and temperature dependence curves of the dog rose and hawthorn samples are presented in the article. DTA-1/10 galvanometer and DTG-1/5 galvanometer sensitivity, the maximum heating temperature is 300° С and the rate of change of the furnace heating temperature is 3° С / min. The temperature features of the plant product thermolysis have been studied. As a result of the study, the initial temperature, the highest and the final temperature of endothermic action have been determined. The thermophysical properties of the rosehip and hawthorn fruit have been studied on the basis of the experiments and the results are reflected in the tables below. The thermal conductivity coefficients and specific heat of mass at the temperature range of  20-80 ºC are given in the article as well.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 06-05-2021
  • Read count 521
  • Date of publication 20-11-2020
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages186-192

In this article, the forms of moisture connection and the thermal characteristics of plant materials are studied. Rosehip and hawthorn fruits have been chosen as the object of the research. In the heat analyzer, a decrease in the mass of the product and an increase in temperature have been found when the temperature was controlled in a certain gas environment. The mass and temperature dependence curves of the dog rose and hawthorn samples are presented in the article. DTA-1/10 galvanometer and DTG-1/5 galvanometer sensitivity, the maximum heating temperature is 300° С and the rate of change of the furnace heating temperature is 3° С / min. The temperature features of the plant product thermolysis have been studied. As a result of the study, the initial temperature, the highest and the final temperature of endothermic action have been determined. The thermophysical properties of the rosehip and hawthorn fruit have been studied on the basis of the experiments and the results are reflected in the tables below. The thermal conductivity coefficients and specific heat of mass at the temperature range of  20-80 ºC are given in the article as well.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Safarov J.E. доцент TDTU
2 Sultanova S.A. dotsent TDTU
3 Raxmanova T.T. ассистент TDTU
4 Guven E.C. доцент Istanbul Technical Universit
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