• Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system16-07-2021
  • Read count0
  • Date of publication27-03-2021
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages95-100

Structurally, ion exchange polymers can be divided into two types: gel-like and macroporous. Copolymers of microporous structure have been obtained by polycondensation of diphenyloxide and furfural in the presence of porous formations - n-heptane and camphor. We have produced a microporous cation exchanger in the presence of 20-60% porous agent for sorption processes. Determined that with the inclusion of 60 percent camphor, the direction of the sorption isotherms of gel and porous cation exchanger varies sharply from that of porous cation exchanger and with the addition of 60 percent n-heptane, which did not necessarily result in any significant qualitative improvements in the polymer structure. An experimental work was conducted to determine the main thermodynamic characteristics of low-temperature and atmospheric pressure water vapor sorption. The results of the measurement of the thermodynamic properties of the aforementioned formulas show that the tangent at intersection 22,704 of the 606,574 axis is equal to -0.1.The range of submicroscopic capillaries varies from 29.76 to 33.87 Ǻ. The results of the measurement of the thermodynamic properties of the aforementioned formulas show that the tangent at intersection 22,704 of the 606,574 axis is equal to -0.1. Depending on the amount and type of the teaser, the specific pore surface region of the corresponding cation exchanger is – 114.24 -147.63. On average, the overall size of pores is 0.17 to 0.25 cm3. The dates from research existing in the polymer matrix pores can be  absorb of not only metal ions, high molecular compounds with cation active centers as well, and leads to use them in process waste water treatment from the same pollutants.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Timofeeva E.A. Dotsent Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
2 Turabdjanov S.M. Professor TDTU
3 Shokhakimova A.A. Katta o'qituvchi TDTU
4 Rahmatov U.N. Katta o'qituvchi TDTU
5 Rakhimova L.S. Dotsent TDTU
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