• Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 16-07-2021
  • Read count 258
  • Date of publication 27-03-2021
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages101-107

The article is devoted to an urgent issue of higher education, namely, formation  of environmental safety culture among students enrolled in technical specialties, who in the future will become engineers at various industrial facilities. In the Republic of Uzbekistan, environmental education, and everything associated with the formation of the ecological culture of the individual, has been declared a vital state task of the education system and the process of personnel training. The ecological protection principles of production, considered for implementation in the educational process of training personnel for industry, were also studied. Consequently, personnel training in such fields as oil and gas, mining, power engineering, and geology, and focus on environmental safety must become unshakable, clear, and specific. To accomplish this task, it is necessary to use such categories of the educational process as the assignment of specialties, academic standards, curricula and textbooks content, development of technical requirements, legal awareness, specialized equipment of the workplace, equipment use and, most importantly, to develop and implement innovative teaching methods, so the same information support for those specialists who, due to their professional activities, can only study remotely etc. The existing regulatory legal framework of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of environmental protection and ecological safety of the population was studied. The scientific article also analyzes the innovative teaching issues of environmental education and formation of the ecological security culture in Uzbekistan education system. The tasks that must be solved by the updated educational system for formation of the environmental safety culture among students of technical profiles have been defined.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Ayubova I.X. Dotsent TDTU
2 Lakhanova K.M. Professor Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
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