• Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 19-07-2021
  • Read count 263
  • Date of publication 27-03-2021
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages140-149

The article is devoted to the study of the material composition features and the development of an effective technological scheme for copper ore beneficiation of the Yoshlik deposit of the Almalyk ore field. The five ore samples were used as the object of the research. To clarify the distributionnature of the components in the samples and study the material ore composition, ore samples were taken, as well as average samples for spectral, chemical, atomic absorption, mineralogical, and granulometric analyses. It was revealed that chalcopyrite is the main sulfide copper mineral. Other ore minerals are bornite, pyrite, magnetite and hematite. Non-metallic minerals include quartz, sericite, feldspar, chlorite, and carbonate. The increased content of sericite and chlorite in ore leads to a deterioration in its technological properties. The germination of useful minerals is extremely fine and tight; fine grinding is required to open the aggregates of minerals from each other and from the rock. The total amounts of ore minerals in sulfide ores of all deposit areas are similar, vary from 2.35 to 5.25% only in the east of the Central area, due to intensive pyritization of ore-hosting diorites, the amount of ore minerals is high - 4.2-7.0%, with low chalcopyrite content (0.8-0.9%). To obtain conditional copper concentrates, two enrichment technological schemes were tested. The first is a scheme of ore flotation using pyrite - lime as a depressant. According to the second scheme, in addition to lime, zinc sulfate was used as a pyrite depressant and carboxymethyl cellulose was used to reduce the harmful effect of sludge. The establishment of the required flotation time was carried out by setting up experiments with fractional foam removal. At the same time, the total time of the main flotation was increased to 16 minutes, and the control one to 10 minutes. According to the second scheme, the extraction of copper into copper concentrate was, respectively, for samples No. 1,2,3,4,5: 86,0; 91.5; 93.0; 90.2; 89.3%. As a result of the research carried out, a technological scheme for flotation of copper ores was developed.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Umarova I.K. O'qituvchi TDTU
2 Nazarova N.A. O'qituvchi TDTU
3 Khayitov O.G. O'qituvchi TDTU
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