• Read count 396
  • Date of publication 08-02-2021
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages29-30

The scientific article describes the use of biostimulants and herbicides in the cultivation of high-quality grain from winter wheat and its weeds in the form of a mixture of Khimstar 75% 20 g / ha + Agrozim 3 l / ha or Khimstar 75% 20 g / ha + Novosil 100 ml / ha. It is stated that a rich and high-quality (51.8-52.6 ts / ha) grain crop was obtained without damaging the environment, destroying 82.0-96.3.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Saidov S.. докторант, катта илмий ходим. ДДЭИТИ
Name of reference
1 1. Доспехов Б.А. Методика полевого опыта. -М.: Агропромиздат, 1985. -230- 240 с.
2 2. Методические указания по полевому испытанию гербицидов в растениеводстве / ВНИИЗР. – М., 1981. – 46 с.
3 3. Ризаев Ш. Кузги буғдой дон ҳосилига бегона ўтларга қарши уйғунлашган кураш тадбирларининг таъсири. //Ж. “Агро илм” – “Ўзбекистон қишлоқ хўжалиги” журнали илмий иловаси. Т. 2013. №1(25). 41-б.