• Read count 789
  • Date of publication 07-03-2021
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages39-40

In this article, in the conditions of saline soils of Bukhara region in the cultivation of winter wheat variety Krasnodar-99 pre-irrigation soil moisture is 70-80-70% relative to the limit field moisture capacity, the rate of mineral fertilizers is N240; P180; When applied at the rate of K90 kg / ha, the amount of water used for irrigation was saved by 1934 m3 / ha, which allowed to obtain an additional yield of 9.2-11.8 t / ha of wheat, and the accumulation of salts in the soil was 0.27-0.21% less than the control option.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Xamidov M.. қ./х.ф.д. ТИҚХММИ
2 Jo'rayev U.. қ./х.ф.ф.д. (PhD) доцент ТИҚХММИ Бухоро филиали
3 Jo'rayev A.. қ./х.ф.ф.д., доцент ТИҚХММИ Бухоро филиали
Name of reference