• Read count438
  • Date of publication03-05-2021
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages27-28

The article presents the results of studying the growth, development and productivity of corn varieties when using urea in pure and combined sulfur at various rates against the background of mineral fertilizers - N150 P120 K75 kg/ha. It was revealed that the tallest (178-240 cm) with large leaf area (0.84-0.93 m2), and the productivity of the plant was observed with the joint application of urea with sulfur at a rate of 12 kg/ha. At the same time, the highest yield of grain and silage mass was obtained (6.1-7.0 and 35.0-50.2 t/ha).

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Ostonaqulov T.E. қ./х.ф.д., профессор СамВМИ
2 Abdiyev A.. доцент ТИҚХММИ Қарши филиали
3 Xolmurodov S.. катта ўқитувчи ҚарМИИ
4 Xamrayeva V.. магистр СамВМИ
Name of reference
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