• Read count 195
  • Date of publication 03-05-2021
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages36-37

Mung is a food crop that is more suitable for export today, its stem is a nutritious feed in animal husbandry, and grain differs from other cereals in the richness of inorganic and organic substances for humans. In recent years, we have conducted research into a safe and biologically effective way to control the growing number of cotton bollworm caterpillars among the main pests.
From our study of the biological effectiveness of poaching against cotton budworms in muffin culture, it can be noted that when the density of cottonworms is lower than IZMM, it can give satisfactory results when used at a ratio of 1:10 or 1:15. In the experiment, good results were obtained when the parasite was used with the maximum consumption rate, i.e. in a ratio of 1: 5 and the biological efficiency was 83.1%.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Maxmudova S.. қ./х.ф.ф.д., ассистент ТошДАУ
Name of reference
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4 4. Дусманов С.Э., А.Т.Холлиев. Дуккакли дон (нўхат, ловия, мош) экинларининг асосий зараркунандалари. // “Агро илм” журнали. Тошкент, 2014. №4(32). 45-46.