In this work, the composition of the fruit of the medicinal plant «prickly cypress - Sarragis spinosa l.»was studied. It is shown that the composition of the prickly cypress fruit is rich in vitamins, macro and microelements. In the future, it can be used as a raw material for the production of medicines in the pharmaceutical industry. Experimental data showed that the drying of prickly caper fruit at a temperature of 80 ° C due to the preservation of macro - and microelements in the fruit of the medicinal plant retains its medicinal ability and the optimal temperature for drying is assigned.
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Inagamov S.. | т.ф.д., профессор | Тошкент фармацевтика институти |
2 | Tajibayev G.. | таянч докторант | Наманган муҳандислик-технология институти |
№ | Name of reference |
1 | 1. Махлаюк В. П. Колючие каперсы //Лекарственные растения в народной медицине. М.: Нива Россия, 1992. 544 с. |
2 | 2. К. Х. Ходжаматов, К. Ю. Юлдашев ва бошқ. Шифобахш гиёҳлар – дардларга малҳам. // “Ўзбекистон”. Тошкент. 1995 й. |
3 | 3. Холиқова Н.Б. Ковул ўсимлиги ва унинг аҳамияти. Илмий-оммабоп қўлланма. Наманган. 2020 й. 50 б. |