• Read count 393
  • Date of publication 24-05-2021
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages62-63

The article presents the results of a study of the influence of summer and winter siderat crops on macro, micro-aggregative (in the arable layer the share of macro-aggregates is 13.4-25.9%, and of micro-aggregates 24.7-27.6%) composition, agrophysical (bulk density decreased by 1,23-1,31 g/cm3), water properties and nutreant regime of the soil.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Ostonaqulov T.E. қ.-х.ф.д., профессор СПЭКИТИ
2 Usmonov N.N. қ.-х.ф.н. Қарши МИИ
Name of reference
1 1. Орипов Р.О. Фитосанитарное и биоэнергетическое значение промежуточных культур. - Т.: - 1988. - С.50.
2 2. Халиков Б.М. Такрорий экинлар ва тупроқ унумдорлиги. // “Ўзбекистон қишлоқ хўжалиги” журнали. - Т.: - 2004. №5. 42-б.
3 3. Терехов И.В. Сидераты эффективны. // Ж. Картофель и овощи. - 2015. - №7. - С. 33-34.