The method of critical realism on the methodology of scientific knowledge of K. Popper, one of the famous philosophers of the twentieth century, is important in determining the solution of current problems of today. In the article, the author substantiates from his point of view that critical rationalism as a method can criticize theories, hypotheses and thereby improve them, create new theories and doctrines, influence the development of science. The article identifies the philosophical foundations of K. Popper's views and makes a comparative analysis.

  • Read count 262
  • Date of publication 21-03-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages89-97

The method of critical realism on the methodology of scientific knowledge of K. Popper, one of the famous philosophers of the twentieth century, is important in determining the solution of current problems of today. In the article, the author substantiates from his point of view that critical rationalism as a method can criticize theories, hypotheses and thereby improve them, create new theories and doctrines, influence the development of science. The article identifies the philosophical foundations of K. Popper's views and makes a comparative analysis.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Sherboboev M.A. Assistant Tashkent State Institute of Dentistry Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Name of reference
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