This article discusses the creation of an electronic methodological portal of medical
education on the basis of innovative approaches, the purpose, objectives of the portal, the
application of medical education, the integration of medical education with science and
industry, the views of scientists on medical education, UNESCO priorities in education.
scientific-methodical design, possibilities of the created platform, mechanisms of its
practical application, didactic provision of electronic educational resources for medical
education teachers, formation of technological knowledge, skills and competencies from
teachers, pedagogical bases of development of professional thinking of medical education


  • Read count 233
  • Date of publication 21-03-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages270-276

This article discusses the creation of an electronic methodological portal of medical
education on the basis of innovative approaches, the purpose, objectives of the portal, the
application of medical education, the integration of medical education with science and
industry, the views of scientists on medical education, UNESCO priorities in education.
scientific-methodical design, possibilities of the created platform, mechanisms of its
practical application, didactic provision of electronic educational resources for medical
education teachers, formation of technological knowledge, skills and competencies from
teachers, pedagogical bases of development of professional thinking of medical education


Author name position Name of organisation
1 Kadirova M.R. PhD, Associate Professor Fergana Medical Institute of Public Health
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