This article discusses the effectiveness of visual aids in teaching and educating primary school students and provides examplesf

  • Read count 37
  • Date of publication 21-03-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages975-979

This article discusses the effectiveness of visual aids in teaching and educating primary school students and provides examplesf

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Turaev B.B. student Primary Education and Sports Education, Namangan State University
Name of reference
1 1. D.Sharipova, D.Khodiyeva, M.Shirinov Natural science and its teaching methods // Textbook. T .: «Barkamol fayz media», 2018, 456 pages.
2 2. Nuriddinova M.I. Methods of teaching science: (textbook) Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of