This article discusses how the communication process affects the human mind. As well as the article gives several ideas about forms of communication: verbal and nonverbal communication. It also mentions some of the tools that play an important role in communication
This article discusses how the communication process affects the human mind. As well as the article gives several ideas about forms of communication: verbal and nonverbal communication. It also mentions some of the tools that play an important role in communication
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Absalomov E. . | student | Fergana State University |
№ | Name of reference |
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3 | 3. M.G. Davletshin. Umumiypsixologiya. Т. ToshDPU. 2002. (o„quvqo'llanma). |
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5 | 5. Deyl Karnegi. Muomala sirlari. T.«Navro„z» nashriyoti. 1992 |
6 | 6. V. Karimova. Ijtimoiy psixologiya va ijtimoiy amaliyot. T. 1999. |