This article is about multi-service NGN. The article discusses the possibilities of organizing multiservice services. In addition, this article analyzes the main types of requirements for the NGN network.

  • Read count 0
  • Date of publication 21-03-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages989-994

This article is about multi-service NGN. The article discusses the possibilities of organizing multiservice services. In addition, this article analyzes the main types of requirements for the NGN network.

Name of reference
1 1.ITU-T, “General overview of NGN”, Recommendation Y.2001, Dec. 2004.
2 2. ITU-T, “General principles and general reference model for Next Generation Networks”, Recommendation Y.2011, Oct. 2004
3 . ITU-T, “Functional requirements and architecture of the NGN”, Recommendation Y.2012, Sep. 2006
4 4. ITU-T, “Resource and admission control functions in Next Generation Networks”, Recommendation Y.2111, Sep. 2006
5 5. ITU-T, “Principles for the Management of the Next Generation Networks”, Recommendation Y.2401, Mar. 2006.