Despite the fact that the initial level of lexical and grammatical knowledge and listening of a group can vary greatly, all students is supposed to acquire equal levels of a full-fledged foreign-language communicative competence. To achieve this, a teacher needs to differentiate and individualize both the contents and approaches to teaching. It is considered possible ways of differentiating and individualizing the learning process. The ways of individualization of the contents of foreign language teaching are analyzed. The paper proposes the tasks that range from reproductive to productive level, which allow differentiating the learning process. It recommends methods for assessing students depending on their initial level of foreign language skills. The article also gives practical recommendations on the application of group learning technologies and examines how this impacts positively on the mastering of foreign language communicative competence by students in non-linguistic higher education institutions.

  • Read count 0
  • Date of publication 21-03-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages1004-1010

Despite the fact that the initial level of lexical and grammatical knowledge and listening of a group can vary greatly, all students is supposed to acquire equal levels of a full-fledged foreign-language communicative competence. To achieve this, a teacher needs to differentiate and individualize both the contents and approaches to teaching. It is considered possible ways of differentiating and individualizing the learning process. The ways of individualization of the contents of foreign language teaching are analyzed. The paper proposes the tasks that range from reproductive to productive level, which allow differentiating the learning process. It recommends methods for assessing students depending on their initial level of foreign language skills. The article also gives practical recommendations on the application of group learning technologies and examines how this impacts positively on the mastering of foreign language communicative competence by students in non-linguistic higher education institutions.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Djumanova B.. student Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute, Tashkent region
Name of reference
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