The author of the article defines the notion of stylistic devices from the position of cognitive stylistics. Stylistic device is regarded as a cognitive model, means of transmitting the conceptual information of the text in cognitive stylistics. Cognitive metaphor is a new term in cognitive linguistics. According to George Lacoff and Mark Johnson defined cognitive metaphor as not only a stylistic device but also as a cognitive model, mechanism of cognition and a way of thinking. George Lacoff and Mark Johnson wrote the book “Metaphors we live by” in which the theory of Conceptual Metaphor was first introduced. This theory was studied by other scholars such as scholars as E. S. Kubryakova, Mc. Cormack, Reddy, Turner, A. Richards, Gibbs, M. Black and many others. Conceptual metaphor theory consists of two domains. The first one is called target domain which is considered to be more abstract than the source. Second domain is called source domain which is more concrete and describes the target domain making understanding easier. Besides cognitive metaphor, the author of the article defines some essential principles and notions of cognitive linguistics such as knowledge structures, the principle of iconicity and linguistic economy. Knowledge structures can be defined as blocks of information and knowledge obtained during the process of human‟s cognitive activity and presented in the mind as a regulated system. Iconicity is the principle that requires some kind of conformity between the world perception and its language representation in the text. Linguistic economy refers putting as much information as possible using the smallest parts of linguistic units.

  • Read count 63
  • Date of publication 21-03-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages1100-1106

The author of the article defines the notion of stylistic devices from the position of cognitive stylistics. Stylistic device is regarded as a cognitive model, means of transmitting the conceptual information of the text in cognitive stylistics. Cognitive metaphor is a new term in cognitive linguistics. According to George Lacoff and Mark Johnson defined cognitive metaphor as not only a stylistic device but also as a cognitive model, mechanism of cognition and a way of thinking. George Lacoff and Mark Johnson wrote the book “Metaphors we live by” in which the theory of Conceptual Metaphor was first introduced. This theory was studied by other scholars such as scholars as E. S. Kubryakova, Mc. Cormack, Reddy, Turner, A. Richards, Gibbs, M. Black and many others. Conceptual metaphor theory consists of two domains. The first one is called target domain which is considered to be more abstract than the source. Second domain is called source domain which is more concrete and describes the target domain making understanding easier. Besides cognitive metaphor, the author of the article defines some essential principles and notions of cognitive linguistics such as knowledge structures, the principle of iconicity and linguistic economy. Knowledge structures can be defined as blocks of information and knowledge obtained during the process of human‟s cognitive activity and presented in the mind as a regulated system. Iconicity is the principle that requires some kind of conformity between the world perception and its language representation in the text. Linguistic economy refers putting as much information as possible using the smallest parts of linguistic units.

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