In the following article the new trends in the situation with the climate change due to the recent efforts by the countries of the world, namely the countries with the highest frequencies of environmental problems including Central Asia are analyzed. The reforms ongoing depending on the Sustainable Development Goals are presented through the prism of their efficacy. Reforestation efforts, The Bonn Challenge, locust infestation, food security, natural hazards, development strategies, healthcare reform in the countries of CA are shown by their content analysis in combination with SARS-COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Read count 0
  • Date of publication 21-03-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages1144-1153

In the following article the new trends in the situation with the climate change due to the recent efforts by the countries of the world, namely the countries with the highest frequencies of environmental problems including Central Asia are analyzed. The reforms ongoing depending on the Sustainable Development Goals are presented through the prism of their efficacy. Reforestation efforts, The Bonn Challenge, locust infestation, food security, natural hazards, development strategies, healthcare reform in the countries of CA are shown by their content analysis in combination with SARS-COVID-19 pandemic.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Shirinov A.Q. teacher Bukhara State University, Bukhara, Uzbekistan
Name of reference
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